Nuvision Heroes October First Responder: Kristine Whitford

Kristine Whitford—A Heart for Service and Community in Alaska

Originally born in England to an Air Force family, Kristine Whitford moved around a bit before settling in Alaska. Although she briefly lived in California, Alaska became home. Working as a dispatcher for the Anchorage Fire Department for the last ten years, her journey into this career path was a familial affair—encouraged by her sister, who is also a dispatcher. Before joining the fire department, she worked in retail management but was driven by the desire for a more meaningful career that would allow her more time with her daughter.
Nuvision Heroes: 2023 National First Responders Day

Celebrating Heroes Among Us: National First Responders Day

If asked to define the word ‘hero,’ many automatically think of superhero movies or tales of ancient legends. But real-world heroes walk among us, people who go far beyond their call of duty to help make our communities better places to live. Unfortunately, these people rarely show up in Hollywood movies, but their work makes an impact far beyond anything you see on the big screen. That’s why we started the Nuvision Heroes program. To highlight the work of people we consider heroes and give them the recognition they deserve.
Housing Market Update

October Housing Market Update: A Tale of Two Markets Amid High Rates and Stalled Sales

As we head into the final quarter of 2023, the U.S. housing market is undergoing a significant slowdown, with experts predicting the worst year for home sales since the housing bubble burst in 2008. While high mortgage rates and rising home prices are making homeownership increasingly unattainable for many, existing homeowners with low mortgage rates are enjoying significant equity gains. The result is a market of stark contrasts, pushing buyers and sellers to opposite ends. However, not all experts are ringing alarm bells. Steven Thomas, a real estate expert, argues that the current state of the market should not be a cause for widespread panic. Find out the full story...

Beyond High School Resource Fair at University of Alaska Anchorage

High school students in Anchorage had the opportunity to learn how to prepare for life beyond high school. They learned relevant and engaging information about careers, colleges, and how to navigate their own personal financial journeys while entering adult life.

Maximizing Tax Benefits for Small Businesses: A Guide to Section 179

When it comes to small business finance, staying informed about tax codes and deductions can be a game-changer. As the year-end approaches, small business owners must explore avenues that can reduce their tax liability and increase their overall financial health. One of those ways is with Section 179 of the Tax Code, which can be a valuable tool for small businesses.
Food Drive

Compassionate Hearts, Helping Hands: Join Nuvision Alaska in the Fight Against Hunger

Hunger isn't a distant problem; it's a harsh reality for many of our friends, neighbors, and fellow Alaskans. While we go about our daily lives, some are struggling with the very basic need of feeding themselves and their families. It's not a small problem; it's one that stretches from the streets of Anchorage to the remote areas of our beautiful state.

Bridging the Gap: Why Financial Literacy Matters More Than Ever

It's a paradox of modern education: While our schools excel in teaching subjects like math, science, and history, they often overlook one of the most crucial life skills—financial literacy. Recognizing this need, Nuvision is at the forefront of driving change.