Debit Card Fraud Communication

We are seeing increased fraud attempts on Nuvision debit cards and have determined that there is an ongoing card-related fraud impacting the industry at large. We want to assure you that we continue to monitor the situation and have deployed all mitigation available to protect our members. As valued members, we want to help keep you informed and have included additional information with important details on what you should be aware of.
Fraud Alerts

What Are Phishing Scams and the Steps You can Take to Protect Yourself

“Phishing” is a common type of cyber-attack that targets individuals through email, text messages, phone calls, and other forms of communication. A phishing attack aims to trick the recipient into falling for the attacker’s desired action, such as revealing financial information, system login credentials, an immediate payment or other sensitive information.

Beware of scammers’ latest tactic for accessing personal information

If you receive a call from a person claiming to be a Nuvision representative and asks you to “update information” on your account, please know that it could be a scam.

FRAUD ALERT: Financial Relief Scam Targeting Organizations

The coronavirus pandemic continues to impact organizations across the globe. This hardship gives cybercriminals the perfect bait: a promise of financial relief.