California Housing Market

Housing Report: Demand and inventory will drop with the holidays, but the market will remain hot.

A new season is drawing near. Halloween is already behind us and the rest of the end-of-year holidays are quickly approaching. This means the beginning of the new season for the housing market—the holiday market. Read more to find out what Steven Thomas says this means for home buyers and sellers.
Added Advantage Giveaway

Are you ready for our biggest Added Advantage giveaway yet?

We want to give hard-working people like you a chance to focus on the things that really matter (and maybe a little extra cash to treat yourself to something nice!). That’s why we are so excited to announce our annual Added Advantage Holiday Giveaway--and to tell you that this year’s giveaway will be bigger than ever!
Veterans Day

What does Veterans Day mean to you?

They took up arms and hiked miles through hostile terrain. They watched friends fall injured at their side. They stood guard during the early hours of the morning, anxious to see light. Our veterans have selflessly served and fought for our rights, freedoms, and protections—putting their own lives on the line to ensure we could live ours. That’s why Veterans Day holds such a special place in our hearts.
Amy Hernandez

Nuvision Heroes: For this team member, service is a duty--not an option

Born and raised in Cheyenne, Amy has felt a connection and love for her community her whole life. She’s raised her kids here, committed to service, and worked with the local credit union community for over 20 years. As someone deeply rooted in her community, Amy doesn’t consider service as an extra—but as a duty. “It’s seeing needs that I can help meet,” she said.