Veterans Day

Honoring Those Who Serve: A look back at our Veterans Day Events

From answering the call of duty to fight against the evils of fascism and imperialism in World War II to fighting against communist regimes in Korea and Vietnam to defending our country against terrorist threats in the deserts of Iraq and Afghanistan, time and time again, our veterans stood strong and bravely fought to protect our freedoms. In November, Nuvision held several events to thank them for their service.
California Housing Market

What's The Outlook For The Housing Market in 2023?

As we head into 2023, the economy and the housing market are high on the list of worries for many homeowners. Unfortunately, housing sales have fallen for the ninth consecutive month, with transactions down 28.4% compared to last year. Nationwide, prices have also come down, with the average home price down to $379,100 compared to $413,800 in June.

November Community Update: Honoring Veterans and a sneak peek at our Added Advantage Cash Giveaway

It's hard to believe, but Thanksgiving is just around the corner. As we move into the Holiday season, we enter one of our favorite times of the year here at Nuvision – A time to honor our Veterans and a time to give back to our members and the communities we serve.
ernie delgado

Nuvision Heroes: A Vietnam veteran who continues to make his community stronger

Veteran Ernie Delgado spent four years serving in the thick of Vietnam’s jungles as an infantry Marine. He fought courageously and carried the burden of leading his squad. Now, he’s a husband, grandfather, and member of the American Legion, where he and other veterans who share similar experiences connect and serve the community. “Never forget how you got your freedom, and how it’s maintained, and how it’s protected,” he said. “Someone’s got to pay for it.”