Successful Couple

Eight crucial budgeting habits for financial independence

If you want to be financially successful, you need to adopt some good money habits. There are certain things successful people all do regularly. By knowing them, you’ll have an easier time reaching your goals. Here are eight of the top things you should be doing to get you on the road to financial freedom:

Win $100 in our International Credit Union Day Giveaway!

October 20th is the 75th annual International Credit Union Day–and we can’t wait to hear what our members have to say! In fact, your experience could be worth an extra $100!
Savings Article

October is Financial Planning Month: Top 11 Money Tips from the Nuvision Blog

A recent National Financial Educators Council study found that the average American lost $1,389.06 in 2021 due to a lack of personal finance knowledge. At Nuvision, we want to help you manage your money as effectively as possible. We’re kicking off October’s financial planning month with a round-up of the top 11 financial success articles from our blog.
Nuvision Heroes Lisa Sauder

Nuvision Heroes: A nonprofit CEO who won’t rest until no Alaskan child goes hungry

Bean’s Café CEO Lisa Sauder is on a mission to make sure no Alaskan needs to wonder where their next meal is coming from. Service has always been a keystone in Lisa’s life, from the time she was a child watching her mom volunteer to the years she spent in her previous role as the American Heart Association Alaska’s Executive Director. Now, she pours her time into ensuring Bean’s Café can meet the community’s growing needs. That’s why we choose her as this month’s Nuvision Hero.