Nuvision Hero William J. Kull: A 100-year-old WW2 Veteran and Former Firefighter Who Has Done the Impossible
William J. Kull recently celebrated his 100th birthday. Surrounded by friends, family, and fellow veterans from the Huntington Beach American Legion Post 13, he was presented with commendations from the congressmen and mayor. As a WW2 Veteran and former firefighter, Bill’s long, storied life has been marked by heroism, historic moments, and incredible perseverance.

Nuvision Hero Matt Voris: A veteran whose mission is to honor other service members
For veteran Matt Voris, service is second nature. His passion for helping veterans burns deep in his bones. As president and founder of the High Plains Honor Flight, he shows this care for his fellow veterans by providing flights to those wishing to visit war memorials in D.C.

Nuvision Hero David Hayward: A WW2 Air Force Veteran Who Continues to Fight for Freedom
As a WWII U.S. Army Air Force veteran, David has sacrificed much in the service of his country. Today, he works with The Freedom Committee of Orange County to teach the coming generations about the value of liberty. From writing books and newsletters to speaking at schools, he’s dedicated to teaching the next generation to love the hard-won liberty fought for by men like him.

Nuvision Hero Michael Barrett: A Marine Who Never Lets Obstacles Stop Him from Serving
As a highly decorated Marine Veteran who served over 20 years, director of the VetNet Program at Working Wardrobes, and dedicated patriot, Michael has sacrificed so much for his country. From an injury in combat to the many years he spent training others for service, Michael's contributions to our nation and community deserve the respect of every one of us.