
Life Stages Planning for Financial Success

Financial planning across different life stages is crucial for achieving long-term financial success and security. While financial situations vary widely, understanding the general principles applicable to each life stage can help individuals navigate their financial journey more effectively. Here, we outline the key stages and offer general tips for each phase, drawing from recent statistics and trends.

Maximizing Tax Benefits for Small Businesses: A Guide to Section 179

When it comes to small business finance, staying informed about tax codes and deductions can be a game-changer. As the year-end approaches, small business owners must explore avenues that can reduce their tax liability and increase their overall financial health. One of those ways is with Section 179 of the Tax Code, which can be a valuable tool for small businesses.

Bridging the Gap: Why Financial Literacy Matters More Than Ever

It's a paradox of modern education: While our schools excel in teaching subjects like math, science, and history, they often overlook one of the most crucial life skills—financial literacy. Recognizing this need, Nuvision is at the forefront of driving change.


Dr. Christopher Thornberg of Beacon Economics returned to speak with Nuvision Credit Union CEO Roger Ballard for an informative webinar to answer all of your questions and tell you where he sees the economy heading in the second half of 2023.