NuvisionCares Community Assistance: Helping Hard-working People Survive and Thrive

Jul 29, 2020, 21:18 PM by Nuvision Credit Union 

firefighters food drive

Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, we’ve been helping hard-working people maintain financial security as part of our NuvisionCares program. Since our initial campaign to help 14 local restaurants pay their employees, we’ve hosted a number of other community outreach events in each of the areas we serve.

Shalimar Relief Fund Food Drive in Orange County

We teamed up to host a food drive with Think Together’s Shalimar Learning Center, an afterschool resource center where students of low-income families can receive homework help and college prep training. The relief fund collected non-perishable food and goods like household paper goods, diapers and formula, and donated the items to families with students enrolled in the program. All collected items went towards helping hard-working families who have lost their income sources due to the coronavirus.

We collected a large amount of food which benefited over 120 families. Every Nuvision branch participated. Our drop-off locations were also visited by numerous first responders and Costa Mesa Mayor Katrina Foley, who stopped by to bring some canned goods in support of the initiative.

We’re grateful to have been able to assist these families at a time when they need it most. These kids are going to be the next generation of hard workers in our community, and we want to make sure they have everything they need to learn, grow, and build their futures.

Food Drive for Children’s Lunchbox in Alaska

With school not in session and many parents out of work, a large portion of Alaska families have been struggling to get by and feed their kids. That’s why we partnered with The Children's Lunchbox in Anchorage to supply meals to local families.

From July 6th to the 31st, we collected donations at all branch locations. Every family who participated in The Children’s Lunchbox program received two snacks and two dinners per child, along with a pantry box that contains breakfast, lunch, and dinner for four.

The Children’s Lunchbox expressed their gratitude, thanking Nuvision for putting together the fundraiser that was able to help so many families.

Helping Heroes Food Drive in Cheyenne, Wyoming

In Wyoming, we partnered with Helping Heroes at the VA Medica Center. The organization provides food, clothing, personal care items, and job and housing placement to veterans facing hardship. During the coronavirus, it’s been especially important to ensure our veterans have these things—meaning Helping Heroes has become even more crucial. Seeing a need, we stepped in to run a food drive.

The support from members and staff was overwhelming. It was wonderful to be able to give back to those who have sacrificed so much for our county. We are always committed to giving back to our military, and with many other events postponed, this was the perfect opportunity to show our gratitude and make an impact.

Looking ahead: More events for Military & First Responders Coming Soon

As a continuation of our outreach to veterans in Wyoming, we have several service events planned for first responders and the military in the upcoming months. We’ll be delivering food to local first responders, sponsoring a PGA Hope event to help rehabilitate veterans through teaching golf, and hosting our annual Freedom Ride on Veterans Day. To find updates on what we are doing in the community, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.