Oct 2019 Car Sale

2 Day Pre-Owned Car Sale

On October 19th and 20th, the Nuvision Edinger branch will be hosting hosting a 2-day pre-owned car sale featuring great vehicles, prizes, and some of the best prices around.
Family Day

The Top Family Day Events in Southern California

September 26th is National Family Day, and it’s a great time to remember the importance of spending time with members of your family and creating memories that can last a lifetime. It’s also an excellent way to help your kids decompress after the first couple of weeks of the new school year.
Looking at Facebook Message

Fraud Alert: How to Avoid the latest social media fake video phishing scam

There’s a new phishing scam making its way through social media that you need to be aware of. If somebody sends you a link asking, 'Is this you in the video?', don’t click on it. Even if the message comes from someone you know, there is a possibility that the innocent looking link is actually malicious.
First Responder

What makes a Hero: Stories of incredible first responders that reveal what it takes to serve

First responders are the ones on the front lines; they see things and experience stress and trauma most of us couldn’t imagine. Honoring the heroes in our community is such an important thing to do, but it shouldn’t be limited to a specific holiday. Here are some ways we can all help...