Welcome Cheyenne Event: Our Thank You to our Newest Members

Oct 29, 2018, 15:12 PM by Nuvision Credit Union  

Over the past couple of months, Nuvision has been hard at work welcoming our newest members from Cheyenne, Wyoming. We would like to recognize all of the time and hard work our local Cheyenne team members have put in to make the transition as seamless as possible for our new members.

We sincerely appreciate your patience, and we thank you for the kindness you have shown and for how welcoming you have been!

Thank you, Cheyenne!

To celebrate the completion of the merger, and to thank the entire city of Cheyenne for accepting Nuvision Credit Union into their community, Nuvision hosted a welcome event on October 18th, at the Little America Hotel and Resort.

We marked the beginning of our new chapter in Cheyenne by presenting two $2,500 donations at the start of the event.


The first donation went to the local charity Youth Alternatives--a non-profit group dedicated to helping the community’s youth and families. Youth Alternatives provides mentoring services, youth and family counseling, kinship advocacy, and a host of other outreach programs that have made a huge impact on the lives of countless Cheyenne youth. Jay Sullivan, Director of Youth Alternatives, accepted the donation.

The second donation was given to Honor Flight of Northern Colorado. The organization was founded in 2008 with the goal of bringing WWII veterans to our nation’s memorials free of charge. Since then, they’ve expanded to serve not only WWII veterans but others from more recent conflicts as well. To date, they’ve sent over 2500 Colorado and Wyoming veterans on trips to D.C. Bill Brewster-- Army Ranger, Captain in the 173rd Airborne Division, a Vietnam Veteran, and Purple Heart recipient--accepted the donation on behalf of Honor Flight of Northern Colorado.

After the donation presentations, attendees and members of Nuvision received a free dinner and heard from some really amazing local speakers—including Andrew Brightman, KGWN's morning show meteorologist, and Anne Alexander, an economics expert from the University of Wyoming who spoke on the current state of the Cheyenne economy.

To close the event, Shimshi, the acclaimed Las Vegas illusionist, stunned the crowd with his highly entertaining comedy act and interactive illusions.


“I’m really glad I came. I had an awesome time. The food was great, and the entertainment blew me away.” one member who attended told us. “I’m happy Nuvision cares enough about their members to host an event like this.”

Other members we talked to mentioned feeling more educated about the economy. “I found the tips they talked about very helpful. I learned a lot.”


It was wonderful to have so many of our new members come out and celebrate. Nuvision loved having this opportunity to meet the new members and get more involved in the Cheyenne community. But this event was just the beginning; Nuvision is looking forward to continuing the outreach and growing their presence in the area. Nuvision is excited to welcome all the residents of Cheyenne, and can’t wait to help you with the life you build.

View more event photos here