Nuvision Heroes: Amy Tullos - Leading with Passion and Purpose

May 30, 2023, 13:20 PM by Author Unknown

Amy Tullos

In our Nuvision Heroes series, we shine a spotlight on remarkable people within Nuvision Credit Union and our community who exemplify the values of leadership, dedication, and community involvement. This month, we are proud to feature Amy Tullos, an exceptional leader and VP of Branches at Nuvision Credit Union. With her unwavering commitment to her team, members, and the community, Amy has become a respected figure and an inspiration to all who know her.

A Leader Motivated by Growth and Success

Amy's journey at Nuvision began in 2002 as a Financial Services Officer. Over the years, she has climbed the ranks through hard work and dedication, earning the role of VP of Branches. Amy takes pride in watching her team members grow, succeed, and challenge themselves both personally and professionally. Recognizing their achievements and fostering a supportive work environment are among the most rewarding aspects of her leadership role.

Amy also cherishes the relationships built within her team. She believes in mutual support, where her team has her back just as much as she has theirs. This camaraderie creates a strong foundation for success and a positive work atmosphere.

Boosting Team Morale through Fun Team Events and Fundraisers

Recognizing the importance of trust and happiness in the workplace, Amy takes great pride in organizing engaging team events and fundraisers. These initiatives not only boost team morale but also create a sense of unity.

"Trust is the most important and fundamental foundation to having a high-performing successful team.  It helps create bonds that get you through stressful days.  I believe that having fun at work is key to creating a happy, productive work environment", Amy told us.

Fundraisers play a significant role in community involvement at Nuvision, with the team actively taking part in donation drives for food, toys, and clothes throughout the year. The competitive spirit and involvement of Nuvision members further contribute to the success of these initiatives.

Balancing Work and Community Involvement

For Amy, community involvement goes hand in hand with being a leader. She seizes volunteer opportunities whenever possible, recognizing that giving back not only benefits the community but also enriches her personal growth.

"To me, any time a volunteer opportunity comes up, I try my best to participate.  It not only helps my community, but it also fills my cup, so that I can be a better leader, friend, and wife.  Over the years, my husband has also got involved, so it's something that we can do together."

Making a Difference through Financial Education

One of the initiatives close to Amy's heart is the Get REAL Financial Reality Fair, which provides hands-on financial education to students. Understanding the importance of financial literacy, she believes that educating young adults positively impacts both individuals and the community as a whole.

Engaging in a Wide Range of Community Events

Amy's involvement extends to a wide array of community events throughout the year. From city-wide cleanups and Shop with a Cop initiatives to supporting organizations like Katie's Handprint, she embraces every opportunity to make a positive impact. Amy's dedication to honoring and remembering fallen heroes during Memorial Day events and Veterans Day Luncheons reflects her deep respect for those who have served our country.

Honoring Asher's Memory and Promoting Childhood Cancer Support

Recently, Amy's family experienced a personal tragedy when her young grandson, Asher, lost his battle with cancer. In honor of his memory, she actively advocates for blood donations, bone marrow registry participation, and donations to organizations like Katie's Handprint and the Ronald McDonald House.

"At just three years old, Asher and his parents have inspired more people, and had a bigger impact on people in his short time than I could ever hope to.  Their faith, resolve, and commitment were so inspiring to me, and to so many others!"

As part of her mission to honor her grandson's memory, Amy is helping to make Nuvision's upcoming blood drive one of the largest yet.

"I want to make this the biggest and best blood drive ever.  Nuvision has done blood drives for many years, but this year, it has a deep-rooted meaning for me!  Asher never stopped fighting, and I will never stop educating people about how they can help.  Cancer is only rare, until it impacts your family."

Inspiring Others to Make a Difference

Amy's advice to those who wish to make a positive impact in their communities is simple: Just get started! Whether it's taking the time to donate blood, or getting involved with charities like Katie's Handprint, she encourages people to find a cause they are passionate about and take that first step towards making a difference.

"Even just the little things have more impact that you will ever even realize, and one day hopefully you will never need the help and support of your community, but if you do, I hope someone will be there for you.   Kindness and generosity have a ripple effect.  When you create a difference in someone's life, you not only impact their life, but you also impact everyone influenced by them throughout their entire lifetime."

Our Nuvision Hero…

Amy Tullos embodies the spirit of a Nuvision Hero through her exceptional leadership, dedication to her team and members, and unwavering commitment to the community. As we celebrate Amy's remarkable contributions, we are reminded of the power we all possess to create change. Through her example, we are inspired to find our own paths of community involvement and positively impact the lives of others. Amy's story serves as a reminder that acts of kindness, big or small, have the potential to transform lives and build a stronger, more compassionate community.

In the spirit of Nuvision Heroes, let us follow Amy's lead and strive to make a difference in our communities. Together, we can create a brighter future and continue to uplift and support one another along the way.