Making a Difference: The Heroes Behind Nuvision's Community Efforts

Sep 30, 2024, 08:35 AM by Nuvision 

Nuvision Heroes

At Nuvision, we’re committed to being more than just a familiar face in the community— we’re focused on making a real, lasting impact for the people and the communities we serve. Whether it's through volunteer work, educational programs, or lending a hand wherever it’s needed, we take our commitment to helping people seriously.

It's why we created our Nuvision Heroes program, to highlight the extraordinary people who go above and beyond to make our communities stronger. These aren’t just employees doing their job; they’re people with a passion for service, for helping others, and for leaving a lasting impact.

Meet Our September Heroes: Celebrating Tess and Karina’s Community Impact

For September, we’re excited to recognize not one but two outstanding Nuvision team members—Tess Bermudez and Karina Fletes, the branch managers of our two Costa Mesa branches.

Tess and Karina are more than just branch managers; they’re the driving force behind so many of our community efforts. Both Tess and Karina have always been the first to step up and volunteer, and their dedication was on full display during our recent Costa Mesa Financial Literacy kick-off event on September 12th. But this wasn’t the first time they’ve rolled up their sleeves to help out. From the "Shop with a Cop" events to Bracken’s Kitchen and Veterans Day Appreciation Breakfasts, they’ve consistently shown that community service is more than just a task—it’s part of who they are.

Making Financial Literacy Accessible

Costa Event

When asked about their work at the Costa Mesa Financial Literacy event, both Tess and Karina spoke from the heart. "I think it's so important to teach these kids early," Tess said. "A lot of them don’t even know how to write a check or budget their money. Financial literacy isn't something they’re learning in school anymore, and if we don’t teach them, who will?" That’s exactly why Nuvision stepped in with our financial literacy program, which will continue throughout the school year with a series of workshops for AVID students at Costa Mesa High School.

Karina agreed, adding that it’s not just about giving them the tools, but making them feel comfortable talking about money. "A bank can be a scary place for teenagers because it's unknown," she said. "We want to change that. We want them to feel confident and understand that finances are part of life from the minute you're born and then through all stages of life. And it’s our job to help make that part of their life easier to understand and manage."


The Septeber 12th event was just the beginning. With 130 AVID students participating, Tess, Karina, and the Nuvision team kicked off the first of nine workshops with fun trivia questions to get the students engaged before diving into the topic of budgeting. "The kids were really into it," Tess shared. "They asked great questions, and you could see they were interested in learning how to take control of their financial future."This is the kind of passion and commitment that makes Tess and Karina perfect examples of what being a Nuvision Hero is all about. It’s not just one event or even one year of service—it’s the fact that they continually show up for the community. Tess recalled another memorable event, the "His Little Feet Back to School" initiative, where they helped provide shoes to children in need. "Some of these kids had never had a new pair of shoes before," she said, visibly moved. "Seeing their faces light up when they opened that shoebox—it’s moments like that that remind me why we do this."

Service Beyond the Classroom


And it’s not just helping kids. Tess and Karina have volunteered at events supporting veterans, first responders, and underprivileged families as well. "It doesn’t matter if you’re 16 or 60," Karina said. "Financial literacy and basic life skills are important at every stage of life. We've even had to teach some 70-year-olds how to write checks and balance a budget after they lost their spouse and were handling finances for the first time."

That sense of community and connection is what drives both Tess and Karina. "It’s more than just doing good for others," Tess explained. "It’s about building relationships, being there for people in their time of need, and showing that Nuvision is a part of this community, not just a company." Karina echoed this sentiment, saying, "At the end of the day, it's about paying it forward. We help these students or these families now, and later, when they need a loan or an account, they’ll remember that we were the ones who helped them. That’s how you build trust and a sense of belonging."

Dedicated to Service: Tess and Karina’s Impact Beyond the Branch

Whether it’s at the Financial Literacy program, Bracken’s Kitchen, the "Shop with a Cop" events, or even the Veterans Day Appreciation Breakfast, Tess and Karina are there, making sure that the NuvisionCares mission isn’t just something we talk about—it’s something we live. Both have also volunteered at numerous other events, including the American Legion Car Show and the Veterans Day Appreciation Breakfast. Karina summed it up perfectly: "It’s about paying it forward, and seeing the impact you can have on people’s lives, no matter how small."


Tess added that she has been moved by the level of community engagement she sees, especially at events like His Little Feet, where volunteers provided new shoes to underprivileged children. "For some of these kids, it was the first time they’ve ever had a new pair of shoes. Knowing we were a part of giving them that experience, it’s just so rewarding."

Building Stronger Communities Through Everyday Heroes

At Nuvision, we recognize that the real heroes in our communities are the ones who don’t seek recognition but who tirelessly dedicate their time and energy to making a difference. Tess and Karina exemplify that spirit every single day. Their work isn’t about getting the spotlight or earning praise; it’s about showing up, helping others, and doing what needs to be done, even when no one’s watching. Whether they’re leading financial literacy programs to empower the next generation, providing shoes to kids in need, or spending time with veterans and first responders, they’re not just representing Nuvision—they’re representing the values that we hold dear.

These are the types of people we are proud to have on our team because they remind us what true service is. It's about caring for people, building relationships, and being part of something bigger than yourself. Tess and Karina have demonstrated time and time again that the little things—like teaching a teenager how to budget or helping a veteran at an appreciation breakfast—can add up to a huge impact.