Nuvision Heroes: Empowering Lives with Every Step – The Journey of Hali Wolf and His Little Feet

Feb 29, 2024, 10:32 AM by Nuvision 

In the heart of our community beats the rhythm of compassion, where everyday heroes rise to meet the needs of those around them. This month, Nuvision Credit Union shines a spotlight on an inspirational force for change, Hali Wolf, founder of His Little Feet.

Our journey with Hali began at the opening of Nuvision's Long Beach Branch, where we recognized her tireless commitment with a $1,000 donation to support the mission of His Little Feet – a testimony to her unwavering dedication to helping others build better lives.

Hali's story is one of humble beginnings and profound impact. In 2014, a stark reality hit when she learned that children in her community were taping their shoes together, a vivid image that would ignite a spark within her to make a difference. The vision for His Little Feet was born from a simple yet powerful realization: shoes are the first step out of poverty.

His Little Feet began as a grassroots movement, gathering shoes for kids in the lowest-performing schools. Hali witnessed firsthand how the right pair of shoes could improve attendance, encourage physical activity, and foster growth, not just for an individual child but for entire communities.

But this issue was not isolated to one school or one community; it was indicative of a larger, systemic problem affecting countless lives across the nation. Hali's work with His Little Feet brought to light a dire need – a staggering one in five children in the U.S. are in desperate need of shoes.

Nuvision and His Little Feet share a common belief: to empower people to build better lives. Hali's innovative approach to addressing a neglected need has led to partnerships with foster care services, homeless shelters, and schools, ensuring that help reaches those who need it most.

The path of His Little Feet is paved with the generosity of organizations like Nuvision and the commitment of volunteers and donors. Hali's leadership as a CEO and her balance as a professional hairstylist and a mother showcase her multifaceted ability to drive change while nurturing growth at home and in the community.

Looking towards the future, His Little Feet's ambitions soar high with goals to become a nationwide beacon of hope. Hali dreams of a future where every major city can count on support for this basic necessity for their children.

We invite you to join us in supporting His Little Feet's mission. Whether by joining the Soul Club with a monthly sponsorship, volunteering, or participating in their upcoming gala at the Long Beach Yacht Club, your involvement can make a world of difference.

In a world that often overlooks the basic needs of others, Hali Wolf stands out as a beacon of hope and change. Hali embodies the essence of community service, operating on the philosophy that even the smallest acts of kindness can cause waves of positive change throughout our community. Her leadership goes beyond the distribution of shoes; it instills hope and inspires others to believe that a better life is possible. Her actions speak volumes about the power of vision coupled with compassion, proving that heroes don't always wear capes – sometimes, they come holding shoes that carry the next generation forward.

To learn more about how you can contribute to this great cause, visit Let's walk together in support of a future where no child is left behind because they didn't have shoes to take their first step towards a better life.


Nuvision Credit Union is proud to support heroes like Hali Wolf, who exemplify our shared commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of others. Join us in celebrating and supporting the journey of His Little Feet – because we believe in the power of community and the steps we take together towards a better future.