Maximizing Tax Benefits for Small Businesses: A Guide to Section 179

Sep 29, 2023, 09:46 AM by Nuvision 

When it comes to small business finance, staying informed about tax codes and deductions can be a game-changer. As the year-end approaches, small business owners must explore avenues that can reduce their tax liability and increase their overall financial health. One of those ways is with Section 179 of the Tax Code, which can be a valuable tool for small businesses.

At Nuvision, we believe in the power of knowledge. Understanding Section 179 is the first step toward optimizing your tax strategy. Here's what you need to know:

Section 179: Immediate Tax Benefits

Section 179 is a tax provision that offers small businesses a unique advantage - the ability to deduct the total cost of equipment and software purchases in the same year they were made. This means immediate tax benefits, reducing the overall tax burden.

  • Immediate Deductions: Introduced in 1986, Section 179 allows businesses to deduct the total price of equipment and vehicles purchased in the same tax year. This means immediate tax benefits, a valuable advantage for cash flow.
  • Qualifying Equipment: The deduction covers a wide range of equipment, including machinery, software, office equipment, and vehicles over 6,000 lbs. This breadth ensures that many of your business needs can be met with Section 179 benefits.
  • Business Use Requirement: To claim the deduction, the equipment must be used for business purposes at least 50% of the time. This ensures that the tax advantage is aligned with your operational needs.
  • Simplified Bookkeeping: Beyond immediate tax advantages, Section 179 simplifies bookkeeping and reduces taxable income. This not only lowers the tax liability but also streamlines financial management.

Navigating Section 179: Qualifying Assets

Understanding which assets qualify under Section 179 is important, and we advise talking to a tax expert for an in-depth look at the topic. Generally, if the asset is used for business purposes more than 50% of the time, it's eligible for deduction. Here's a quick overview of qualifying items:

  • "Off-The-Shelf" software that's available to the general public.
  • Equipment purchased for business use.
  • Computers.
  • Office furniture or equipment.
  • Most work vehicles can't double as personal vehicles.

Important Numbers to Remember

As a small business owner considering Section 179, keep these figures in mind:

  • Deduction Limit: $1,160,000.
  • Investment Limit: $2,890,000.
  • Bonus Depreciation: In some instances, a bonus depreciation of 100% may apply, making it even more attractive for businesses with higher spending.

Check with a Tax Advisor

While Section 179 offers compelling benefits, it's essential to work closely with a tax advisor. They can help you navigate the complexities, make informed decisions, and ensure your financial planning aligns with your business's long-term goals.

Nuvision's Tailored Lending Solutions for Section 179

To stay competitive, every advantage matters. Section 179 is a valuable tool, offering immediate tax benefits, preserving working capital, and reducing the barriers to equipment acquisition. When combined with Nuvision's commitment to tailored lending solutions, small businesses gain a powerful ally in their pursuit of financial growth. As we approach the year-end, take the opportunity presented by Section 179, and let Nuvision help your small business to thrive.